Enriching Lives With Unconditional Love...
School Visits
School Visits are Lots of fun and great for the kids!

What We Do
We always look to provide students with opportunities to interact with our dogs in ways that are most comfortable for them. Each visit is unique – sometimes a student will quietly talk with the dog, or gently pets her, or sometimes brushes her fur. Other times, our dogs might entertain the children with tricks or training techniques.
Children also have opportunities to quietly read to the dog, or to ask questions about him. If any students are nervous, we take it slowly and go at a pace that allows them to feel safe and comfortable.
We are all volunteers, and there is never a charge for our visits. You can set up a regular schedule, or one-off events – just get in touch to see what works for you.
How It Helps
We have found that allowing children to interact with calm, loving dogs helps them to relax, especially during the stressful times we live in now. Counselors can recommend specific children into the program to help them deal with problems at home, the loss of a parent or sibling, or just to help them with social interactions that they may find challenging. We love watching a tense child loosen up and start smiling as they spend time with our dogs.
If you are interested in learning more about a visit by one of our Comfort Dog Teams, Please fill out the form below and someone will contact you shortly!
Hearts & Paws Comfort Dogs
* Required
“Happiness is a warm puppy.”
— Charles Shultz —