Enriching Lives With Unconditional Love...
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We visit Senior centers, Veterans Groups, Church programs, Rehab Centers, Adult Daycare and most other groups where people can benefit from the love of our dogs

What We Do
When our Comfort Dog Teams go to a community organization, the people they encounter can pet and talk to our dogs, bringing smiles and laughter to everyone they meet. Sometimes the dogs lay quietly to be petted, and sometimes they perform tricks to delight their audience. Each visit is tailored to your group’s needs so you can be sure that you get the kinds of interactions that you feel are best for your patrons.
Hearing how much people look forward to regular visits from our dogs brings smiles to our volunteers also! We just love brightening up someone’s day!
And since we are all volunteers, there is never a charge to have us come visit.
How It Helps
It’s well documented that animals serve as a calming influence on most people. Many children and seniors have no opportunity to own an animal, and our Comfort Dog visits are a way for them to connect to a dog without having one at home.
Dogs make people smile, help ease grief and stress, and improve the day of all involved. Watch people light up as the dogs interact with your patrons and see how such a simple service can help many as they struggle with the challenges of life.
If you are interested in learning more about a visit by one of our Comfort Dog Teams, Please fill out the form below and someone will contact you shortly!
Hearts & Paws Comfort Dogs
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"Dogs are our link to paradise."
— Milan Kundera —